The early 1900's Democrat Union Campaign Finance Laws are the first large scale criminal Election Fraud Conspiracy in World history. These biased campaign finance laws, once enacted, gave almost total financial control of Elections to Democrats, through out most of the 20th Century.
Under the new Democrat Campaign Finance Laws Unions could force members to pay dues, that the Unions could use as they pleased for Political Agendas, regardless of the employees wishes. A slave like condition, that gave the Democrat-Union alliance, financial, political, and physical control over all Union members.
With this new financial and political power, the Democrats quickly moved to Unionize all Public Agencies, including First Responders, which were being used extensively by the Democrats through out the Southern States to support KKK violence, and Unionized Law Enforcement to expand enforcement of Democrat Segregation Jim Crow Laws. This corrupted system of campaign finance, was regularly expanded as need, for decades by Democrat Congresses.
However, the corrupt campaign finance system began to crack in the late 1990's with the landmark Supreme Court Decision in the "Communication Workers v. Beck" decision. The Court said that Union workers could not be forced to pay dues against their will, for political purposes they did not support.
This is one of the first real obstructions in the Democrat control of Union money flow, public and private, to the Democrat Party in history. A change that sent shock waves through the Democrat Party and Union leadership. Numerous Court appeals would be filed by Democrats and Union groups trying to overturn the decision, without success. Some Union money was now flowing from Conservative Union Members, to Conservative Candidates, for the first time in history.
In November 2008, this corrupted system of Democrat campaign finance laws, put the first Black President Obama in office, and it gave control of the House and Senate, to the Democrats. This FULL CONTROL OF THE CONGRESS & WHITE HOUSE, and the Democrat FEAR of the potential adverse financial impacts of the "Communication Workers V. Beck" decision caused the immediate execution of long term Democrat plans, to dramatically shift the Country to a ONE PARTY socialist platform, with more powers to the Democrat Government. Powers that could be abused to set up long term control of the Government, and the Nation, by the Democrat Party.
Powers that could be used to overturn the "Communication Workers v. Beck" decision to re-establish Democrat financial control of Unions Money, for Democrat agendas. The first agenda became the Socialization of Health Care, which became known as Obama Care. One of the largest felony criminal insurance fraud schemes in American history. If you totally control the finances and health care of people, you control the people, and more importantly the flow of money from that SLAVE system. Just like the California Democrat Insurance Fraud Scheme to provide more Democrat campaign finance money at the expensed of the California citizens.
A 20 billion dollar Democrat Insurance Fraud scheme exposed in 2010 by GTI News.
A Democrat insurance fraud scheme with hundreds of million of dollars in tax payer money, annually flowing into State Wide Criminal Bribes, of DA Public Prosecutors for thirty (30) years. Annual Bribes in the millions to protect Insurance Companies from criminal complaints, and investigations when they defraud citizen policy holders of their Insurance Benefits.
Money, collected covertly from citizen policies, that was used to expand the pay and benefits of the District Attorney Public Unions. All while additional money flowed from the protected Insurance Companies, into DA Offices State Wide, and Democrat Election Campaigns.
Other secret illegal provisions of the back door insurance fraud legislation, called "Special Funding Grants", provided special access for Insurance Companies to easily get prosecutions of citizen, where all property and funds ceased in the prosecutions, is shared between the DA Offices, and the Insurance Companies. A full blown Pay For Play Insurance Fraud Conspiracy to defraud California Citizens of their Insurance Benefits, for Democrat Union profit. All financed using money extracted from the citizens insurance premiums.
A Democrat / Union criminal bribery scheme that the California Attorney General's Office, under Jerry Brown and Kamala Harris, knew about, and protected through out their Democrat careers, as the same Unions, and Insurance companies financed Democrat Election Campaigns State wide.
Obama Care was designed to expand the California system of Democrat Campaign financing, through Health Care Fraud, nation wide.
Kamala Harris's Democrat Election Fraud & Sex Predator Obstruction of Justice history is very extensive, as Reported by GTI News.
The real death nail for Democrat/Union Election Fraud corruption, occurred two years after Obama's Election, in January of 2010, with the Supreme Court Decision "Citizen United v. Federal Election Commission". The Democrat/Unions decades long Election Fraud Conspiracy, to illegally control campaign finance for their personal benefit, exploded in their face.
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), is a US constitutional law case, in which the United States Supreme Court held that the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting political independent expenditures by corporations, associations, or labor unions
The decision said plainly that groups, associations, corporations, etc., had the same campaign finance rights as Unions. A decision that destroyed the seventy year plus "Democrat Election Campaign Finance Fraud Conspiracy" to control elections through biased self serving campaign finance laws established during the FDR years. Democrats no longer had a major financial advantage over Republican, or Conservative groups in Elections. A Court Decision the Democrat Party has been complaining about, and desperately trying to overturn to this day.
Eight months after the January 2010 Citizen United decision, in the November 2010 Congressional Elections, money flow to Republican Candidates was close to equal with Democrats. The result was the House of Representatives flipped from Democrat control to Republican, and the Obama Democrat Treason plan to Socialize the Country, and seize long term control, hit a brick wall.
Two year after Citizen United, in 2012 President Obama was re-elected, but the Senate control flipped from Democrat to Republican, and the House remained Republican controlled. This election period is most remembered for the Obama Administration conspiring to obstruct Justice in the cover up of the Benghazi, Libya murders of Americans. This was just two months before the National Election.
A criminal cover up that also included then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as the dead Ambassador fell under Clinton's control of The State Department. All information about the incident was buried, with the help of the FBI/DOJ under Barak Obama. A criminal alliance that would last far beyond the Obama Presidency, with Obama supporting Hillary Clinton for President, in place of his then VP Joe Biden.
UPDATE 2024: Biden's mental decline, obvious even before his run for President in 2020, coupled with Obama passing Biden over for Hillary in 2016 is strange. Events that lead to the obvious questions of what did Obama know, and when did he know, about Biden's mental decline, & what deal did Obama make with Clinton over Benghazi. Obama had observed his VP up close for eight years, then suddenly throws his support to his Bengahzi conspirator, Hillary Clinton for President.
Clinton gets the nomination, instead of Obama's own VP. Trump comes out of left field, and wins the election. Four years later in 2020 Biden, with full DOJ LAWFARE UNDERWAY against Trump, Biden runs for President, with no real Obama support until the last minute when no other Democrat options are available.
Four years later in 2024 Biden's mental decline is so advance his re-election run, against Trump, is very publicly destroyed on live TV, & Obama is heading up the Democrat push to dump Biden. Biden literally publicly screws the Democrat Party, pushing his VP Harris into the nomination, and locking down her nomination, with almost 300 million in campaign finance dollar Biden has control over. That takes a lot of hate.
TRUMP WINS THE 2016 ELECTION, and the Democrat Party of Slavery goes into full PANIC MELTDOWN. (This reporter has many questions).
In 2012, it was an all out Democrat criminal cover up, of the Democrat State Department incompetence and negligence in the Terrorist Murders of four Americans, including our Ambassador. Once again a full blown Obama Administration Criminal Conspiracy involving the Department of Justice, and The State Department to protect the on going 2012 re-election campaign of President Obama at all cost following the 2010 loss of the House, and the bad poll numbers on holding the Senate in the wake of the Citizen United V. FEC decision. More Democrat Dead Bodies in Benghazi, to protect Democrat Political Agendas, and money flow.
Obama was re-elected, but the House and Senate were now in Republican hands, which was viewed as a direct result of the expanded money flow to Republicans, conservatives, and others due to the Citizen United Supreme Court decision. The Democrat Party was thrown into full PANIC MODE. Their Socialist agenda was likely dead in the water for Obama's full second term.
The Democrat Party and the Obama Administration, with the loss of control of the House and the Senate, clearly understood the financial impacts on Elections, of the 2010 Supreme Court Citizen United Decision. In 2013 and 2014 Trump was not even on the list of Candidate possibilities for 2016. The Democrat chances of legally taking back the House and the Senate before the next Presidential Election were zero.
More important to the Democrats, there was no current legal option to overturn the "Citizen United" or the "Communication Workers v. Beck" Court Decisions, and legally return the financial control advantages in Elections to Democrat Candidates. So The Democrats once again criminally conspired to do it, ILLEGALLY.
This period is know for the numerous Obama Presidential Executive Orders. Obama famously stated "I've got a pen, and I've got a phone. President Obama and his Democrat supporters simply conspired to executed a plan to remove Congress from the governing process, and run the Country by Executive Power. A dictator like rule that just happened to dove tail nicely with what would become know as the Obama-IRS Election Fraud Treason Conspiracy. A direct result of the "Citizen United" Supreme Court Decision, and the Democrat obsession to seize total and long term control of the Government.
A Presidential criminal conspiracy that required the illegal support and protection of the DOJ/FBI to protect Public Union campaign finance in the wake of Citizen United v. FEC. The same DOJ/FBI criminal cover up and protection that was being used extensively in California to protect Law Enforcement Public Unions wide spread Corruption, that involved multiple Democrat Attorney Generals named Kamala Harris and Jerry Brown. Public Corruption, if exposed could further endanger Democrat Public Union campaign finance, from the major Democrat stronghold of California. At a time that the Democrat seven decade plus control of Campaign finances was literally in the toilet with the Citizen United V FEC decision.
The House and Senate election losses in 2010 and 2012, and no legal options to overturn either Supreme Court Decision would become the driving forces behind the OBAMA/BIDEN/DEMOCRAT/IRS ELECTION FRAUD CONSPIRACY for the next four (4) years (2013-16). The early 1900's Democrat / Union Campaign Finance Conspiracy was to find a way for Unions to collect large amounts of money for Democrat Political Campaigns, that went far beyond the donation limits of individuals, and other political parties. Union Employee Pay Negotiations would include funding for Union Dues, and the Dues would include money for Political operations that the Democrat Party controlled.
Unions were an unlimited, and never ending monthly source of Democrat cash, which is what attracted Organized Crime to Union Businesses, and Union Operations during the early to mid 1900's. Organized Crime that would viciously protect their Union Operations for their own financial reasons. Organized Crime operations that at that time, did not have a major impact on the Democrat funding from Unions.
So the Democrats used Organized Crime, just like they used the KKK in the post Civil War Southern States. Another Democrat marriage of violence made in Hell, and another DEMOCRAT TACTIC that would be seen again, in the future attacks on the Trump Administration.
This system of Democrat/Union "MONEY BUNDELING" would then donate the massive amounts of money to Democrat campaigns, or the Democrat National Committee (DNC), and the money would be called "Independent Expenditures", thus the Supreme Court Decision wording in the Citizen United decision. A corrupt system that would be destroyed by the Citizen United decision.
Non-Union fund raising under the new law would be know as "PAC'S" (POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES).
During the very early days of the Democrat/IRS Campaign Finance Election Fraud Conspiracy, with numerous complaints about PAC campaign finance violations, the PAC's were placed under the authority of the IRS, with other similar money collection groups, like charities. IF YOU DID NOT HAVE THE IRS APPROVAL TO RUN A PAC, YOU COULD NOT COLLECT, OR SPEND MONEY, ON ELECTION ACTIVITIES.
This is why in 2010 and there after, an unknown number of Obama Administration IRS Union employees, with the approval and assistance of a Democrat, OBAMA APPOINTED IRS employee, Director, and Attorney named Lois Lerner, activated a New Criminal IRS Election Fraud Conspiracy. The Conspiracy was to obstruct the filing, and approval, of any and all, Conservative PAC's, that could have adverse financially impacts on future Democrat Election Campaigns. A Criminal Election Fraud Conspiracy that was fully protected by President Obama and his Department of Justice/FBI for years, as Obama signed one Executive Order after an another.
The U.S. Government Committee on Oversight investigation Report later stated:
• No new “Tea Party” groups approved – A May 2013 review of the IRS tax-exempt applications found that not a single group identifying itself as “Tea Party” was approved by the IRS after February 2010, when the new targeting criteria were instated, while dozens of “progressive” groups were approved
The investigation verified the targeting of conservative, Or "TEA PARTY" related PAC Applications, was started in February of 2010, or one month after the 2010 Citizen United Decision. A confirmation of just how concerned President Barak Obama, and the Democrat Party Of Slavery, were about Campaign Finances related to the Citizen United Decision. A court decision that terminated the Democrat eight decade long conspiracy to control approximately 80% of election campaign finances.
Lois Learner would eventually resign/be removed, but not before she took the 5th amendment, as they say to avoid criminally incriminating herself, NOT TO MENTION HER BOSS BARAK OBAMA, when summoned before Congress and placed under oath. The Obama DOJ quickly protected Learner from investigation and prosecution, just as so many other corrupt union supporters have been protected, for their silence.
Facts that would be verified in Court Legal Settlements between multiple PAC victims, and the IRS, that were reached in early 2017. Facts that only saw the light of day because Trump was elected President in November 2016 and later ordered the release of documents, with Democrats crying foul in all directions.
Huge numbers of Republican, and conservative PAC's were intentionally obstructed for years, and denied approval, by IRS Director Lerner, and the Obama Administration IRS. Just another Democrat Criminal Election Fraud Conspiracy to stop the flow of money from those Conservative PAC's, and reverse the financial impacts of the Citizen United Court Decision. A criminal Election Fraud Conspiracy by any definition WITH FULL DOJ/FBI PROTECTION through Obstruction Of Justice by the DOJ/FBI.
The Court settlements also verified that the Democrats, and the Obama Administration definitely knew that conservative Citizen United v FEC Money was having major adverse impacts on Democrat Election Campaigns. As usual, no one was arrested, or prosecuted under the Democrat Obama Administration, because all the criminals were Democrats, Union members, and most important, Law Enforcement Officials.
Supporters that included the FBI and DOJ, under Democrat AG Eric Holder, and Democrat AG Loretta Lynch, who were also involved in the criminal cover up. Both of which are Public Corruption stories unto themselves, as in the Hillary Clinton Evidence Tampering and Evidence Destruction Conspiracy, and the AG Eric Holder Fast and Furious Gun Running Conspiracy. The latter being another Democrat Criminal Cover Up with dead bodies all over Mexico, and a dead Border Patrol Agent in the U.S.
Even though the IRS PAC Election Fraud conspiracy to restore Campaign financial control to the Democrats eventually fell apart, the Democrat Party still believed that the conspiracy was basically successful. Obama surprised everyone when he did not support his VP Joe Biden for President. Instead Obama supported Hillary Clinton. It is not know how much of that decision was based on Clinton's support in the State Departmen, protecting Barak Obama's re-election campaign during the Benghazi cover up conspiracy, and Obama's protection of Clinton and her State Department negligent bungling of the entire incident.
Wild Card Donald Trump came out of left field, and destroyed every Republican challenger in sight for the 2016 National Election. Democrats were initally ecstatic, when all polling showed that Democrat Hillary Clinton would easily win the election by 20 to 25 points. With Hillary Clinton in Office, the Democrat Treason Conspiracies to bury the Benghazi corruption, reverse Citizen United, and literally over throw the Government, could be easily buried forever. So confident, that every Democrat in site left huge amounts of damming evidence lying around everywhere.
When Donald Trump was elected by a landslide, the Democrat Party had a melt down, and immediately activated a series of criminal cover up conspiracies to undermine the Government, and the Presidency. All to get rid of Trump before he could expose the Democrat Party Treason Conspiracy to seize control of the U.S. Government.
These criminal conspiracies would have many names, like the FBI/DOJ "Insurance Policy Conspiracy", the Hillary Clinton "Russian Hoax Conspiracy", "The Russian Dossier", "The Ukraine Quid Pro Quo", "The Muller Report", and on, and on, and on! All designed as distractions and smears, to get rid of President Trump, before any criminal investigations could expose the long term Democrat illegal Treason operations.
Under Trump, multiple on going DOJ and FBI Government, and Investigative Journalist investigations, have now linked large number of high level Democrats, FBI Agents, DOJ Attorneys, and Democrat supporter to wide spread criminal activities, to undermine the Government of the United States, and it's Election System.
A system that includes AG Kamala Harris protecting as much Union money flow from California Unions, as possible during the same time frame.
Those suspects even include President Obama and Vice-President Biden. However, Obama and Biden are not likely to be prosecuted, just like Hillary Clinton, simply because of who they are, and the well documented double standard of Democrat non-prosecutions covered by this Reporter for 15 years, but the public record evidence is solid.
Multiple IG reports, and the failed Muller Investigation conspiracy against President Trump, are now the foundation for multiple DOJ Criminal investigations, like the Durham Investigation, under AG Barr. Investigations that have the Democrat Party terrified about a potential report release, and criminal indictments, before the 2020 Election. AG Barr has been under the usual Democrat attacks since the day the investigations were announced.
The first of those Durham indictments was announce on August 14, 2020. FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith reportedly plead guilty on August 17, 2020 to falsifying FBI documents that would be used to illegally renew FISA surveillance warrants against the President Trump campaign.
The Democrat Party, and their conspirators still believe, if they can regain political control of the White House and Senate, in the 2020 National elections, they can bury all investigations, and evidence, and finalize their plans to permanently seize control of the U.S. Government. This belief has been the driving motive for the continuous investigations of President Trump, and the failed Impeachment process. The long used Democrat tactic of delay, and accuse, to obstruct and burn time is in full swing.
On July 28, 2020, this reporter watched the Democrat House of Representatives Testimony of United States Attorney General William Barr. Five hours of what can only be described as a Kangaroo Court on Steroids. As usual Democrats accused AG Barr of every crime in the book, with no evidence, simply because he works for President Trump. Accusations with demands that he resign, or recuse himself from investigations, that could then be delayed beyond the 2020 elections. More importantly Democrats need to discredit AG Barr as much as possible, before the release of the DOJ Durham Investigation report.
The Dirty Money Flow trail, and the usual violence from the Democrat Party is also continuing. Trump, even before election, was a very out spoken strong supporter of Law Enforcement. So strong, that as time passed, Law enforcement personnel and their Unions began shifting their long term money support away from Democrat Candidates, and toward Trump and the Republican Party. Large numbers of Police Departments have recently severed their financial, and political relationships with the upcoming 2020 Democrat Party Convention.
Democrats and Law Enforcement Unions have criminally conspired to manipulate and falsify elections for hundreds of years. That does not mean that all cops are corrupt, but the Union hierarchy has unfortunately always placed money ahead of the law, just like Democrats, and Democrats do not have a forgiving nature.
The Democrat long history of Slavery, Segregation, violence, and long term affiliations with groups like the KKK, Union Mobs, Antifa, Black Lives Matters, and even Organized Crime, means you better watch your back, if you do anything to endanger the Democrat money flow. Something that Law Enforcement Unions are currently learning about the hard way.
When Law Enforcement support, and money, started moving toward Trump, and other Conservative Candidates in 2018 and 2019, the Democrat long knifes came out. Citizen United is still the law of the land, and for the first time in recent history the Republican Party has two times the campaign finance money of the Democrats, and ten time the enthusiasm. Democrats know if they loose to Trump this time, it could put the Democrat Party back to Post Civil War conditions.
The Democrat Party access to, and control of Public Money has never been more restricted. Two Supreme Court Decisions have destroyed eight decades of criminal conspiracies to control Elections, by controlling the MONEY. The words Panic, and Melt Down, don't even began to describe the current state of "Desperation" in the Democrat Party.
Democrats have long been know for "NOT LETTING A GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE". The death of George Floyd and the Covid 19 Virus, are the perfect Democrat crisis's, at the perfect time.
Violence in all directions of the compass, from well know Democrat and Liberal socialist/communist, anarchist, and just plain greedy dead beat street criminal groups, are openly attacking the Police, and Law Enforcement Unions. The same Police and Law Enforcement Unions, that the Democrats want lynched, castrated, and hung over a barbed wire fence, for financially supporting Trump.
The news of the day is reporters speculating that Joe Biden will choose Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. Another Democrat Official with a long history of DOCUMENTED Criminal Conspiracies involving Democrat Public Corruption, Election Fraud, Evidence Tampering cover up, and even protecting male Prosecutor Sex Predators, with dozens of female victims, from arrest and prosecution. All to protect the flow of Union MONEY in and out of Democrat Elections, including Harris's election campaigns.
It also brings up the obvious questions. Kamala Harris claims to be a Black American, and a Woman Of Color. What in the world is she doing in the Democrat Party of Slavery, with another documented Democrat Racist like Joe Biden, while she conspires in all directions to cover up the crimes and public corruption of that same Democrat Party?
Harris Update: ONCE AGAIN, IT'S THE MONEY!!!
As usual every Democrat in sight is jumping on the violence band wagon, AGAINST LAW ENFORCEMENT, including the Congressional Black Caucus. What are they doing in the Democrat Party of Slavery?
Every City in the Nation with VIOLENT protest, looting, and arson of every building in sight, is occurring in Cities, Counties, and States that have been under total Democrat Control for decades. Building and businesses that are owned and operated by minority citizens, AS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY OF SLAVERY CRIES RACISM, AND BURN BABY BURN.
All of these Cities have Police Departments that are highly integrated, and no longer affiliated with the Democrat KKK. In many cases they have a majority of minority Police Officers, BUT DEMOCRATS SAY THEIR ARE ALL RACIST. Democrat Mayors, and Governors that have consistently ordered Police to "Stand Down" while American Citizens of every color are killed, mugged, robbed, and the lives they have worked to improve for decades, are destroyed.
The Law says these Mayors, Governors, etc. that are ordering Law Enforcement to ignore the Felony Criminal Conduct of thousands of Felony Criminal Violent Protesters, is at the very least, Obstruction of Justice, and Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice. Democrats continually say "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW". How about Democrat Officials?
When you add the "MOTIVE", a Violent Political Agenda, to take control of the duly Elected Government, with an armed organized force, the Codes call that Treason. A crime that the Democrat Party has been consistently conspiring to commit, since it's founding in 1828, right through the Civil War, into the Segregation of the 1865 Democrat South, and now the Democrat Russia, Ukraine, China Treason Conspiracies.
These same Democrat Mayors and Governors consistently reject Federal Help, and blame the Trump Administration, in an election year, for every crime committed since the formation of the Democrat Party of Slavery in 1828. Democrat Mayors and Governors that are so "independent" that they have identical, word for word, talking points on a daily basis, with so called independent Major News Media co-conspirators, from coast to coast. News Media Groups that have a documented history of Criminally conspiring with Democrats in Election Fraud for money, as reporter by GTI News.
Democrat Cities, Counties, and States that have consistently had the highest taxes in the Nation, the largest debts, and the highest crime rates. Tens of thousands of minority citizens are being Murdered every year in Democrat Cities and States, from coast to coast, like Chicago, New York, New Jersey, Los Angeles, etc. All while Democrats and the Major News Media point the finger at someone else. They always have someone to blame, but it is never another Democrat. What is the Democrat Party, and the Major News Media doing with all that money?
Has anyone else noticed that the DNC / DEMOCRAT Web site has no contact information at all, not even for Reporters. The only things you can do on the National Web site for the Democrat Party is sign up for text, or BUY STUFF.
Democrats also have one other very consistent position. Whenever their citizens turn violent, they always want MORE MONEY, from Non-Democrat States, and Cities, and with no strings attached.
Woodrow Higdon
Investigative Photo Journalist